1st Essay (Text Wrestling)

Cancer is a horrible disease.  It can destroy family, relationships and yourself. Sara Monopoli first learned she had cancer when she was pregnant with her first child. This was very devastating to her  and her husband. The first order of business is to induce labor and get the baby out. Vivian the daughter is born a healthy seven pounds. The cancer begins to spread to her other lung and treatment options become slimmer. Experimenting with the drug Tarceva when the drug cannot mutate the tumor like as planned she runs to the bathroom violently. Time moves on and other drugs do not work and the cancer and tumors only become worse. In this type of situation the question of what do you want the doctors to do know when time is running out and hope seems lost. 25% of medical expenses are spent on the 5% of patients in the final stage of their life. Death is a very difficult subject. 8,000 dollar chemotherapy cant stop someone from dying if it is there time. Modern medicine has stretched out death. Things like  Throat infections that could of killed people back in the day modern medicine has turned into something that can easily be cured with something from a store. What actually defines someone as dying? Is someone who has terminal cancer or heart failure dying?

Sara began an experimental drug that didn’t have a name just a number. Sara has reached a point where she knows she is going to die. Her family has prepared for this and knows the time is coming. She has even discussed that she wishes to die at home and not in a hospital bed. This drug still brings her a small amount of hope. Sara is very hopeful and a spirit like that keeps her alive she is the kind of patients that needs hopeful things said to her it gives her the confidence she needs. Saras treatment fails and a cancer spreads to her thyroid. But when she walks in the door she seems confident ready to  try again almost like shes ready for the challenge. Saras life does not get much easier, she is diagnosed with pneumonia and can see her health and life slip away. 9:45 am her breathing stops.  Death is a horrible fight that can only be won by death. When is it a doctors point to stop or to never give up. Modern medicine took sara very far but I think she wouldn’t of made it close to that far if it wasn’t for her spirit.

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